As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, so too must the defensive strategies used by those charged with protecting their organization and investments. Static defense postures and technologies ablate with each new threat and attack, while operational teams grow wary of tired and ineffective responses; forcing organizations to constantly advance and update their security posture.
At Ablative Security we understand and acknowledge the true state of the evolving threat. With decades of experience leading the development of core assessment methodologies, detection technologies, and defensive strategies used throughout the InfoSec industry, and hands-on expertise countering attackers ranging from professional reverse engineers through to state-funded hackers, we have the technical depth and experience required to keep our clients ahead of the threat – advancing technology innovation, optimizing defensive strategy, and maximizing their return on security investment.
Our singular focus on strategic information security consulting delivers unbiased expertise. Leveraging decades of hands-on experience and out-of-the-box thinking, we provide actionable solutions to help our clients navigate the complex security and compliance landscape, with a focus on helping vendors, buyers, and investors meet their security and business objectives.

Business Philosophy
Understand Clients’ Needs - We carefully study each customer case to understand the client’s needs and objectives, and deliver a researched and efficient solution. Experience, context, and efficacy of solutions, guide the advice to our business clients.
Deliver Maximum Value - At Ablative Security, we are committed to delivering maximum value to our clients to help them succeed in a constantly changing and challenging business world. Our fundamental business values stem from understanding that our success is tied to the success of our clients.
Pragmatic Security Advice – Cyber threats are constantly overhyped by the industry; but understanding the methodologies, tooling, and motivation of an adversary lies at the core of an effective response. Pragmatic advice on security threats and response is an actionable priority.
Partner with Clients - We go an extra mile to become our clients' long-term, trusted advisor. Our priority is not only providing professional services and analysis, but becoming a true security partner, dedicated to meeting client needs today and supporting clients' growing business needs tomorrow.
Gunter Ollmann
Founder, Principal Consultant
With three decades of information security experience in an array of security consulting and research roles, Gunter Ollmann brings a unique blend of knowledge and leadership to the InfoSec world. Gunter is a Founder and principal consultant at Ablative Security and serves as chief security officer at Vectra Networks. Before Ablative Security, Gunter was CTO of Domain Services at NCC Group, where he drove strategy behind the company’s generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) program. He was also CTO at security consulting firm IOActive, CTO and vice president of research at Damballa, and chief security strategist at IBM. Gunter is a widely respected authority on security issues and technologies and has researched, written and published hundreds of technical papers and bylined articles.
Gunter holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Applied Physics and Mathematics and a Master of Sciences degree in Atmospheric Physics from the University of Auckland.